Domain and hosting of this website are owned and paid for by me, Mehmet Öztan. The software we use for this forum is open source and free of cost.
Administrators oversee this website to make sure that it stays organized and helpful. Please note that we are all volunteers here. Due to their other obligations and workload, some people will have smaller roles as far as management and forum moderation go. Some of us dedicate more of our time and will be more active on issues related to management.
In addition, we will consult with people who are knowledgeable in growing and saving seeds as well as in commercial seed production and who can also speak to issues related to race, culture and other problems that minoritized seed growers face. Their knowledge and experience will help us better solve potential conflicts and/or create content.
You can find the list of these people below:
Jonathan Hall (username: Jeppettoh)-
Hank Keogh (username: Hank K)-Avoca Seed
Kristyn Leach (username: Kristyn_Leach)-
Mehmet Öztan (username: oztanmeh)-
Florentina Rodriguez (username: adventuresinseed)-Antioch University
Chris Smith (username: chrismith82)-
If you are interested in helping us managing this website, please contact me or any other people listed above.
Site managers:
- Will consider race, culture, language and any other identity-related issues when they respond to a conflict.
- Should not make abrupt decisions to solve a specific conflict if they cannot relate to the reason behind the conflict.
- May lock a thread/topic if they think this helps to de-escalate the conflict before further discussion among a larger circle of managers and consultants to find a solution to the conflict.
Please also note that we have private space where we will evaluate managers and their decisions, if there is a complaint or consensus among users about a manager violating management rules.
Site management and consultants
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